Writing Matters with Dr. Troy Hicks ft. Dawn Reed

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Dawn Reed is an English teacher at Okemos High School in Okemos, Michigan, and is currently in her 14th year of teaching. She is a co-director of Red Cedar Writing Project at Michigan State University, a site of the National Writing Project. Dawn earned her master’s degree in Writing and Rhetoric with a specialization in Critical Studies in Literacy and Pedagogy from Michigan State University. She conducts professional development for teachers focused on technology integration and the teaching of writing. She is co-author with Dr. Troy Hicks of Research Writing Rewired: Lessons that Ground Students’ Digital Learning (Corwin Literacy 2015) and Real Writing: Modernizing the Old School Essay (Rowman and Littlefield 2016), and has published in various journals, books, and websites.

In this episode, Dawn shares her teaching tips for building successful peer to peer connections in her classrooms, as a method to bolster the feedback process in writing. Dawn is passionate about community forward teaching, and her advice and tips on how to incorporate these methods into your classroom are a must listen for all teachers.

Dawn also shares the importance of bringing play into the classroom as a way of making writing accessible for all students. By giving them choice and focusing on relationships, she is able to help propel her student’s writing growth by driving their authenticity and investment in their own work.

Additional resources mentioned in this episode:

American Creed for PBS: http://www.pbs.org/program/american-creed/

C3WP Program: https://sites.google.com/nwp.org/c3wp/home

You can learn more about the Red Cedar Writing Project here: http://rcwp.msu.edu/ and follow Dawn Reed on Twitter @DawnReed

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