Engage writers & readers

Turn thinking into writing

Students build habits of mind that transform into a lifelong love for literacy.

Engage motivate and support

Engage, motivate, and support students

Scaffold student thinking and writing with teacher-selected supports that build confidence and independence. Side-by-side reading, planning, and writing allows students to maximize metacognition.

Build student agency

Empower students to take ownership of their learning, make impactful decisions, and become more engaged and motivated learners.

Student voice & choice

StarburstTeachers can assign a choice of readings and prompts. Students can respond in a choice of styles including writing, video, or audio
Teachers can choose high interest quick writes that focus on current events and class topics

On-Demand feedback

Teachers can select AI tools, like RevisionAid (currently being revamped), GrammarAid, and Originality Check, that give students support in the moment
Students can revise with suggestions anytime

On-Demand feedback

Teachers can select AI tools, like RevisionAid (currently being revamped), GrammarAid, and Originality Check, that give students support in the moment
Students can revise with suggestions anytime

Guided revision

Choose Peer and self review cycles which include comment stems for authentic feedback
Students can hover to see rubric-aligned comments within the writing

Archive and portfolio

Students access a portfolio of their past work to see progress
Archived work can be sent to Google Docs & Drive

Archive and portfolio

Students access a portfolio of their past work to see progress
Archived work can be sent to Google Docs & Drive

Reading and writing go hand-in-hand

Help students engage more deeply in their texts by tying close reading to writing.

Move Students Forward

Writable’s research-backed solution is proven to grow great writers. As students write, cycles of feedback drive revision, and revision drives improvement and growth.

Practice Connects to Instruction

Choose from 1k+ assignments or create your own, including daily quick writes

Feedback Drives Revision

Support students with on-demand AI feedback and revision suggestions

Better Revision Drives Growth

Foster independence with comment stems, checklists, and revision points

Scaffolded for every student

Differentiated assignments help every student reach their full potential

Assignment collections include Lexiled readings and 3 levels of scafffolding

Multilingual learners
Spanish readings and rubrics
Spanish navigation, characters, and menu items
Accessible for all accommodations
Built-in text-to-speech, and browser-based speech-to-text
WCAG 2.0 AA compliant and build to UDL standards
Planning before writing
Browse or upload planners or create your own from Google Docs
Sentence starters, comment stems, and fill-in-blank frames