We’re excited for you to meet RevisionAid, Writable’s new AI revision tool! RevisionAid joins Writable’s Feedback Engine, which includes self-review, anonymous peer-review, and our many teacher grading tools. RevisionAid uses on-demand, AI-based recommendations to help students improve their revisions, and it helps teachers both save time and monitor student progress.
RevisionAid gives students earlier, targeted feedback, especially in the areas of structure, development, and organization. Research shows that better feedback drives better revision, which is the key to writing growth. This is why RevisionAid is designed to be an additional source of feedback and support, working alongside human-based feedback to help students improve their work.
- TIMELY FEEDBACK: Turn on RevisionAid for individual assignments to give students feedback options sooner. Students can automatically access on-demand feedback before cycles of self, peer, and teacher review begin
- REVISION RECOMMENDATIONS: With the click of a button, students get on-demand, automated revision recommendations for their writing, including color-coded stars and specific suggestions for improvement.
- POINT-OF-USE: Students can revise their work while accessing feedback and suggestions at the same time.
- MONITOR & SUPPORT: Check in on students’ RevisionAid scores from the teacher dashboard during grading to get an idea of which students might need additional support.
- SAVE TIME: By improving student revision quality, teacher grading time becomes more productive and streamlined.
Click below to see how RevisionAid works for students. Simply click the visible assignment to be taken into a sample student dashboard, then click “write” to be taken into a sample active student assignment. When you click “RevisionAid” in the upper right-hand corner of the assignment screen, you’ll be shown automatic feedback for this sample assignment!