Writing Matters is a podcast perfect for professional development and personal learning. You can watch full episodes on YouTube, or listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play, or Soundcloud. This is season 1!

Carol Jago, a 32-year teaching veteran and past-president of the National Council of Teachers of English, identifies herself as a reader and writer.
An author of 14 books, including her recent The Book in Question: Why and How Reading Is in Crisis (Heinemann, 2018), Carol reflects on her years of teaching, and shares strategies for teaching writing and conferring with writers. In particular, she argues that her goal is to help students develop the habits of mind of good writers. “If my teaching results in 36 young writers depending on me,” she believes, “I haven’t done my job.”
For more on Carol’s work, visit her website (www.caroljago.com) and follow her on Twitter: @CarolJago

Jim Burke is an English teacher of more than 20 years, and bestselling author of numerous books, including The English Teacher’s Companion. Jim is also the founder of the English Companion Ning and has garnered numerous awards for his teaching and writing.
For more on Jim’s work, visit his website and follow him on Twitter: @englishcomp

Lisa Highfill and Sarah Landis are better known as two of the Hyperdoc Girls and co-founders of the Hyperdoc movement. Lisa and Sarah are acclaimed authors, veteran educators turned instructional coaches, and both are Merit fellows.
For more on Sarah and Lisa’s work, visit their website and follow them on Twitter: @SARAHLANDIS and @lhighfill

Brian Sztabnik created the Talks With Teachers podcast, www.aplithelp.com, and #aplitchat on Twitter. He has taught English Language Arts for 11 years in middle schools, high schools, the inner city and the suburbs. He is currently the lead English teacher at a high school on Long Island, where he teaches AP Literature and Composition, Creative a Writing, and Public Speaking.
He is also a blogger for Edutopia, Heinneman, and EdWeek, a College Board advisor for AP Literature, and was a finalist for New York State Teacher of Year in 2018. He spent 10 years as a varsity basketball coach but now spends his time as a devoted father.
Learn more about Brian Sztabnik at www.briansztabnik.com and follow him on Twitter @TalksWTeachers

Gerard Dawson is a high school English teacher of 8 years, author of “Hacking Literacy”, an education and technology blogger (check out his posts on Writable), and host of the new podcast show: “The Edtech Startup Show”.
You can learn more about Gerard Dawson at gerarddawson.org and follow him on Twitter @gerarddawson3

Andy Schoenborn is a teacher of more than 18 years and currently teaches English at Mt. Pleasant High School in Michicagn. Andy is also a teacher-writer, a celebrated author, and longtime writing partner and colleague of Dr. Troy Hicks. They are currently working on a book together titled “Creating Confident Writers”. Andy has also served as the past president of the Michigan Council of Teachers of English.
You can learn more about Andy Schoenborn at andrewschoenborn.weebly.com and follow him on Twitter @aschoenborn

Dawn Reed is an English teacher at Okemos High School in Okemos, Michigan, and is currently in her 14th year of teaching. She is a co-director of Red Cedar Writing Project at Michigan State University, a site of the National Writing Project. Dawn earned her master’s degree in Writing and Rhetoric with a specialization in Critical Studies in Literacy and Pedagogy from Michigan State University. She conducts professional development for teachers focused on technology integration and the teaching of writing. She is co-author with Dr. Troy Hicks of Research Writing Rewired: Lessons that Ground Students’ Digital Learning (Corwin Literacy 2015) and Real Writing: Modernizing the Old School Essay (Rowman and Littlefield 2016), and has published in various journals, books, and websites.
You can learn more about the Red Cedar Writing Project here: http://rcwp.msu.edu/ and follow Dawn Reed on Twitter @DawnReed

Evan Grant is a 6th-8th grade ELA, humanities, and social studies teacher at Tumalo Middle School in Bend, Oregon. He is also a speaker, former elementary school teacher, and committed to challenging the status quo in education.
You can follow Evan Grant on Twitter @GrantEdTeacher

Val is a veteran teacher of more than 20 years currently teaching 7th grade English, and Amber is a curriculum and instruction coordinator, an author, and is involved with the Saginaw Bay Writing Project (an arm of the National Writing Project) and the Michigan Reading Association.
You can learn more about the Saginaw Bay Writing Project at http://www.svsu.edu/sbwp/, you can learn about the Michigan Reading Association at www.michiganreading.org, and you can follow Amber White @AWhite100 and Val Bader @ELAGardenGal on Twitter.

Elizabeth Crooks is a former teacher of over 26 years and the recently retired 6-12 curriculum coordinator in English language arts, social studies, and science literacy for the consolidated school district of New Britain, CT. Elizabeth is now a consultant and speaker, and currently working on a book for teachers and administrators about creating curriculums.
Liz has also served as Principal, Vice Principal, and English Department Chair at New Britain High School. Under Liz’s guidance, New Britain saw a 100% increase in students taking advanced placement English Language, and a 30% increase in students scored as proficient on CCSS R1, R2, R4 and W1.
Be on the lookout for Liz’s upcoming book, and learn more about her work in the New Britain school system in our case study!

Jeremy Hyler is a middle school language arts and science teacher, a speaker and presenter, a celebrated author and co-author of Troy Hicks, the co-director of the Chippewa River Writing Project (a National Writing Project site), and a contributing member of the Michigan Reading Association (MRA), the International Reading Association (IRA), the Michigan Council of Teacher’s of English (MCTE), the National Council of Teacher’s of English (NCTE), and MACUL.
Learn more about Jeremy Hyler at https://jeremyhyler40.com and follow him on Twitter @Jeremybballer

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