We’re excited to announce that assignments from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s English 3D, a leading ELD curriculum designed by nationally recognized ELD author, researcher, and teacher educator, Dr. Kate Kinsella, are now available from inside Writable!
When combined with Writable, English 3D is built to support English learners not only in the traditional classroom, but in blended and virtual learning environments.

About English 3D
English learners who are orally fluent but lack the academic language and literacy skills needed for school success are especially vulnerable to slipping through the cracks. For these students, the key to effective intervention is combining engaging content with explicit instruction and structured academic interactions. That’s where English 3D comes in.
The program effectively accelerates the academic language of students in Grades 4–12 who have stalled in their English development as well as more recent immigrants who are steadily progressing. The evidence-based instructional routines and relevant text sets in English 3D create a dynamic platform for daily speaking and writing, enabling students to become confident and competent participants in content-area classes, college, and beyond.
Often struggling with ingrained habits of nonengagement, learned passivity, and invisibility in school, many of the nation’s nearly five million English learners are long-term English learners who require more than explicit instruction to succeed. These students need to be inspired to make real-life connections to the texts they’re reading. English 3D is designed specifically to meet these students’ needs and turn invisible struggles into noticeable successes.
For students, English 3D features engaging, authentic texts alongside lessons and organizers, as well as peer interaction and support. Teachers get access to guides, assessments, resources, and 150+ instructional support videos. With English 3D, you can expect these outcomes:
- Proficiency with high-leverage academic language
- Improved speaking and listening skills
- Stronger academic writing skills
- Active engagement with authentic texts
- Connections between coursework and college demands
If you’d like to request more information about this curriculum and how Writable for English 3D can help support your EL student population, you can schedule a quick demo here.
Additional Writable Content for English Learners
We believe writing proficiency is about strengthening connections and increasing student agency, and Writable is committed to making writing more accessible and growth more attainable for all learners. In addition to English 3D assignments from Course A, B, and C, Writable offers a suite of features and content specifically designed to support and scaffold digital literacy instruction for English learners.
To support students and teachers in preparing for state EL assessments, we offer these collections of assignments to help students practice and prepare. Readings and prompts are taken directly from the tests and rubrics are adapted to be more student-friendly. Many of these assignments also include graphic organizers. Teachers can use these assignments as practice for students to build familiarity with the question types and expectations they will experience on the assessment.
These assignments for grades 3-12 contain prompts and readings from WIDA state assessments alongside graphic organizers. Rubrics are built on the WIDA consortium standards so teachers can identify growth and areas of needed support for students.
These assignments for grades 6-12 cover the types of writing found on the TELPAS writing assessment. Assignments also contain several prompts, and the rubrics are based on the TELPAS Proficiency Level Descriptors so teachers can measure student readiness and growth.
These assignments for grades 3-12 provide authentic contexts for students to interact via written English and compose literary and informational texts. The rubrics are based on the published ELPAC rubrics to help teachers monitor student writing progress specific to assessment standards.
Every assignment in Writable is completely customizable (including English 3D assignments) or you can create your own from scratch. This means you can create, edit, or differentiate assignments to fit your students individual student needs and languages.
Supporting English Learners with Writable Features
In addition to the assignments, prompts, readings, and organizers available, Writable also includes a suite of features and tools built to help best facilitate digital literacy instruction for all students.
In Writable, it’s easy to report on individual assignment progress and student or class progress by genre, skill, or standards over time. This allows for both early intervention and the ability to implement targeted practice which can fold into everyday instruction, maximizing student writing growth.
Research shows that feedback and revision are the keys to writing growth. In Writable, facilitating anonymous peer review is as easy as checking a box, and students can also use guided self-review, both of which include rubric score explanations and comment-stems for authentic feedback. There are multiple types of teacher grading, including audio or video messages and live messaging to students writing in the app. Automatic AI-powered feedback revision recommendations are available to students via RevisionAid and Originality Check from SimCheck by Turnitin provides support for properly citing sources.
With our text-to-speech feature, assignments, directions, and student writing can easily be read aloud. Students can turn on Spanish mode and teachers can access audio and video supports like the ability to record an instructional lesson and individual messages to students. And because students can write in embedded Google Docs inside Writable, Google Doc features like translation, spelling and grammar, and speech-to-text are completely compatible. Writable is also seamlessly integrated with Google Classroom and LMSs like Schoology and Classroom, allowing grades and rosters to automatically sync.
If your interested in seeing Writable for English 3D in action we’d love to connect! Click below to schedule a quick demo at your convenience.

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