Webinar: Effective ELA Assessment with Lindsay Vanderburg & Cortney Kingery-Ragan

Webinar: Effective ELA Assessment with Lindsay Vanderburg & Cortney Kingery-Ragan

To get a CE certificate for watching this webinar please watch it here: https://home.edweb.net/webinar/assessment20211207/

How are you authentically assessing your students’ reading and writing? How are your students preparing for state summative assessments? If you’re feeling unsure about your answers, this edWebinar is here to help you find solutions! The team at Killeen ISD in Texas has faced these exact same challenges. To best support their educators, and in turn prepare their students, they created common assessments aligned to their core curriculum and to the rigor of their state tests. This was not an easy task, and they have compiled the tools, resources, and tips that helped them to boost student outcomes.

In this recorded edWebinar, learn about:

* Designing the right kind of assessments for your students while including teacher voice
* How to improve feedback for meaningful insights
* Tools that help you save time with planning, prep, instruction, and grading
* How to identify skill gaps and areas for enrichment, and then how to differentiate support
* How to incorporate your state standards and core curriculum into custom district rubrics

By creating common assessments that aligned with both their core curriculum and state standards (not an easy task!), along with learning progressions, the stress of preparing for assessments was allocated for teachers. The educators at Killeen ISD were able to gather meaningful data on student reading and writing proficiency, measure growth, and then effectively use that data to differentiate and refine instruction.

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