Writable + State Summative Practice: SBAC, PARCC, FL FSA, TDA Questions, TX STAAR, Georgia Milestones, VA SOL, TNReady, Ohio State Test, New York, and more!

Writable is here to take the headache out of preparing for your state summative, benchmark, or formative assessment. We now have 600+ reading passages and prompts, which are all tied to state summative rubrics. We make it easy to edit and customize all of our assignments, so teachers can be working from the same rubric but tailoring their prompts and skills.

Currently we have practice for the SBAC, PARCC, Florida Standards Assessment (FSA), Text Analysis (TDA) questions, and the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR), Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL), TNReady, Georgia Milestones (GMAS), and Ohio State Test, with more to come soon! Unsure of which writing assessment your state uses? Scroll down to see which assessments are aligned to each state.

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TDA (Text-Dependent Analysis) Questions Practice

◯  Alaska ◯  Michigan ◯ Pennsylvania ◯ South Carolina ◯ Wisconsin ◯

Writable’s reading passages for grades 3-11 come directly from TDA questions, and our rubrics are adapted to be more student-friendly. All assignments are tagged to the TDA skills for easy reporting once grading is complete.

Click here to explore TDA questions practice for Elementary, Middle, and High School


SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) Practice

◯ California ◯ Connecticut ◯ Delaware ◯ Hawaii ◯ Idaho ◯ Missouri ◯ Nevada ◯

◯ New Hampshire ◯ North Dakota ◯ Oregon ◯ South Dakota ◯ Vermont ◯

◯ Washington ◯ West Virginia ◯

Writable’s reading passages for grades 3-11 come directly from the SBAC, and our rubrics are adapted to be more student-friendly. All assignments are tagged to the SBAC standards for easy reporting once grading is complete.

Click here to explore High School SBAC practice

Click here to explore Middle School SBAC practice

Click here to explore Elementary School SBAC practice


PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) Practice

◯ Illinois ◯ New Jersey ◯

Writable’s reading passages for grades 6-11 come directly from the PARCC, and our rubrics are adapted to be more student-friendly. All assignments are tagged to the PARCC standards for easy reporting once grading is complete.

Click here to explore Middle and High School PARCC practice


FSA (Florida Standards Assessment) Practice

◯ Florida ◯

Writable’s argument and informational reading passages for grades 6-11 come directly from the FSA, and our rubrics are adapted to be more student-friendly. All assignments are tagged to the Florida standards for easy reporting once grading is complete.

Click here to explore Middle and High School FSA practice


STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) Practice

◯ Texas ◯

Writable’s assignment prompts for grade 4, grade 7, English I, and English II, come directly from the STAAR, and our rubrics are adapted to be more student-friendly. All assignments are tagged to the Texas standards for easy reporting once grading is complete.

Click here to explore Elementary, Middle, and High School STAAR practice


GMAS (Georgia Milestones Assessment System) Practice

◯ Georgia ◯

Writable’s reading passages for grades 6-12 come directly from the GMAS, and our rubrics are adapted to be more student-friendly. All assignments are tagged to the Georgia standards for easy reporting once grading is complete.

Click here to explore Middle and High School GMAS Practice


Virginia SOL (Standards of Learning) Practice

◯ Virginia ◯

Writable’s reading passages for grades 8 and 10 come directly from the SOL, and our rubrics (which mirror the EOC instructional writing checklist) are adapted to be more student-friendly. All assignments are tagged to the Georgia standards for easy reporting once grading is complete.

Click here to explore Middle and High School VA SOL Practice



TNReady Practice

◯ Tennessee ◯

Writable’s reading passages for grades 6, 7, 8, English I, and English II come directly from the TNReady, and our rubrics are adapted to be more student-friendly. All assignments are tagged to the Tennessee standards for easy reporting once grading is complete, and you’ll also find that all argument and informational assignments have paired essay and planner assignments.

Click here to explore Middle and High School TNReady Practice


Ohio State Test Practice

◯ Ohio ◯

Writable’s reading passages for grades 3-12 come directly from the Ohio State Test, and our rubrics are adapted to be more student-friendly. All assignments are tagged to the Ohio standards for easy reporting once grading is complete.

Click here to explore Elementary, Middle, and High School OAA Practice


New York State Exam Practice

◯ New York ◯

Writables assignments and reading passages for New York come directly from the New York State Regents Exam (parts 2 and 3), and for grades 3-12 we also have practice for the New York State English Language Arts test (part 2). All rubrics come directly from the test and are adapted to be more student-friendly. All assignments are also tagged to New York state standards for easy reporting once grading is complete.

In addition to assignments that support preparation for these exams we also have skills practice aligned to the New York State Regents. This set of assignments can be used one of two ways. First, the set of assignments can be used as a curriculum to help students build-up to the test, focusing on each individual skill that will be assessed. Second, each assignment in the skills practice collection can be used individually to differentiate learning for the students that might be struggling with one or multiple skills being assessed on the exams. 

Click here to explore Elementary, Middle, and High School Regents and NYSELA Practice

Can’t find assessment practice aligned to your state summative, district, or formative assessments in Writable? Click here to let us know. We’re happy to create assignments to support your state or school!



New to Writable and curious to learn more? Request a quote or schedule a quick demo. We offer special pricing for districts looking to just use Writable for assessment practice.

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