Writable is ending the year with a bang – we’ve been included on Common Sense Education’s Best Edtech of 2018 list!
The editorial staff at Common Sense Education evaluated and rated approximately 180 tools for learning potential in 2018, and all we can say is it was a great year for edtech. Some years it’s hard to select the most engaging and supportive tools for students, teachers, and schools. But this year, we had no trouble narrowing down our top picks to the 20 best apps, games, and websites.
What you’ll find on this list are tools that get students to develop a true love of writing, engage in authentic scientific practices, collaborate across the globe, and make incredibly artistic and technical creations.
Keep reading about Common Sense Education’s Best Edtech of 2018.
It’s an honor to both be recognized, and to have the opportunity to support students and educators on their learning journey. Only 27% of students graduate high school scoring proficient in writing and Team Writable is on a personal mission to increase that statistic.
Our research backed solution is built around three interwoven principals: scaffolding practice that connects to writing instruction increases the quality of feedback, better feedback creates better revision, and better revision drives writing proficiency growth. Read more about the research in our white paper: “Achieving Writing Proficiency” by Dr. Troy Hicks.
Writable helps teachers scaffold their instruction and motivate students to quickly become purposeful, proficient writers, and it helps schools assess and monitor writing growth. With 600+ easily customizable prompts and assignments, including district and state-level benchmark assessments, Writable helps teachers save time on prep and grading, while focusing their writing instruction.
Are you new to Writable and curious to learn more? Create a free account, request a quote, or schedule a quick demo.