5 Ways to Speed up Summer Prep Work

Summer is almost here! The season of relaxation, sunshine, and eventually… preparation for the fall. With that in mind, we’ve built some helpful features into Writable that can save you time on that prep work. Whether you are using a writing curriculum or starting from scratch, we’ve got your back. Here are 5 ways you can spend more time on summer fun this season!

1. Save and customize over 600 assignments

Writable’s curriculum team is some of the best in the business. They’ve built more than 600 assignments and prompts for grades 3-12 which you can use to scaffold your writing instruction – and each one is entirely customizable! Use them as is, or treat them like a template. From preparation to grading, we’re here to help guide the process.

Explore Writable to check out assignments for EL learners, included side-by-side readings, career and technical writing, AP practice, or state assessment practice that you can integrate into your everyday instruction!

2. Input your own assignments into Writable

Do you have assignments that you use year over year? With our handy Create feature, you can easily use and revise the assignments that already work for you. Save them into writable for easy editing and assigning in the future. You can even personalize them to suit individual student needs!

3. Share assignments with co-teachers or your PLN

Split up the work by sharing your pre-built, customized, or original assignments. Whether you are looking to share assignments with your PLN, co-teacher, or coach, Writable makes it simple. You can even use this feature to get feedback on your work!

4. Unify your writing program across disciplines and districts

School leaders, we know you’re using the summer to prepare too! Did you know you can upload custom district rubrics into Writable, and share those rubrics among your teachers? Unify your writing program by getting teachers from across disciplines and districts on the same page.

Writable’s Team Grading feature can help you calibrate grading across teams of teachers, eliminate grading bias, and identify real student exemplar papers. You can even turn this process back into powerful PD.

With Writable all your data is stored in one place. Using the tools you already know and love, we help you build your writing program around the right feedback and instruction. Whether you’re using a writing curriculum or starting from scratch, see how students are growing as writers from our Growth Dashboard, then use this data to differentiate learning!

5. Incorporate RevisionAid

See how RevisionAid works on your past assignments, and then incorporate it into your future assignments for the fall. Teaching students to grade themselves and their peers, through guided anonymous peer review, self-review, and AI-feedback, will streamline your grading and save you precious time.

Support all students by seeing who’s on watch based on their RevisionAid scores, then directing instruction and teacher feedback in a targeted and meaningful way.

BONUS: Writing Matters with Dr. Troy Hicks is here to inspire your teaching

Have you listened to Writing Matters yet? Dr. Troy Hicks speaks with seasoned educators and bestselling authors about what works, and what doesn’t, in their classrooms. This series is chalked full of unique advice and priceless wisdom to get you pumped for the fall!


Are you new to Writable and curious to learn more? Create a free accountrequest a quote, or schedule a quick demo.

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